I plan to use many conventions on my front cover. The colour palette will be low key to suit the genre, however I will try and make this effective nonetheless. There will be a dominant image on the cover, although I do not plan on using sub-images and I am aiming for a more clean, easy to read layout with a lack of clutter, however there will be coverlines/subheadings. Textual elements will reinforce the genre and target audience age, so there may be aspects of colloquial lexis. In the contents page, there will be limited colums of text as I don't want to bore the reader or make the page look full and unclear with a large amount of text, there will also be a large image on the page and the title will run across both pages. The contents page will feature a main image with a quote across it, and pages will be ordered at the side and a subscription option may be at the bottom of the page, this may also include special offers to entice the reader.
A producer that may distribute my magazine if it were available to sell, would likely be Freeway Press, as it produces Rocksound, which is a very similar magazine to the one I plan to create. You can see my producer research here. I would choose this producer as Rocksound is a very successful magazine, is published weekly, has the same target audience as I plan to have, the same genre almost, and in regards to my audience research which is here, has the expected cost of a magazine and, from what my survey gathered, has the expected aspects of a music magazine. In my opinion, Rocksound would be my preferred music magazine for this target audience/genre.
The target audience of my text would be people who are interested in upcoming, new rock/indie bands. This may include unsigned bands, new bands in local areas or bands from other places of the world that fit well with the magazine genre. Age groups would vary from 16-late 20s, and it would appeal to both genders. Characteristic behaviours that my target audience may share would be enjoying going to gigs/festivals, and an interest in discovering new music.
Media platforms and broadcasters that may be interested in promoting my magazine may be festivals/radio shows etc. For example, if my magazine was on an advertisement at a music festival based around the genre, people with the characteristics and music taste would see it and be persuaded to possibly purchase it as it would appeal to them. A radio show such as Zane Lowe on Radio 1 may be interested in my magazine as it fits the genre of the music he plays and the audience who listen to the show. Outlets that would be interested in selling my magazine may be news agencies and supermarkets; these outlets sell similar magazines already.
Charlotte, you have produced a good written overview of what you plan to achieve with your magazine, showing your understanding of magazine conventions, and an awareness of the possible 'real world' publishers, and your target audience. You have made links to real word media texts, and you have given reasons to support your design choices. Hyperlinks to your previous research and planning included. Well done!