Thursday, 12 December 2013


By using Photoshop, I created flatplans for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. The image above demonstrates what I aim my front cover to look like. The masthead would be across the top of the publication, so that it is clear and straightforward. I don't want my front cover to be overcrowded, so I will apply my coverlines to the sides of the magazine, in a smaller font than the masthead, but still large enough to read and notice. The main image will cover most of the magazine cover, I may cut around it so it has no background, however depending on how it looks, I may keep the background and use it as the full front cover background. I would like my image to be black and white, however I will have to see what this looks like first; it may change. Essential information will be placed in the bottom right hand corner (such as the barcode/date/etc), as this is where this is usually found.
This is a flatplan of my contents page. I will have the masthead at the top of the page, followed by the list of pages below it. I will make sure to add page numbers and have an expected amount of pages (e.g, 80-100, rather than just 20-30). There will be a main image on the left hand side which the text may help align - for example, the first page may go up to the models head, and then stop, and then the same with the shoulders, etc - giving almost an outline. The main image would have a quote going across it from the model/singer and across the bottom of the magazine there will be options to subscribe/get weekly issues, although this may change to something more interesting/different like an Editor's letter, depending on how it looks.
This flatplan demonstrates my double page spread interview with the focused artist. Across the top of the pages, there will be a pull quote taken from the interview which will be used as the masthead - to intruige the reader but to also make the reader aware that it is a double page spread. I will have 3 columns of text, although may add another image later depending on how it looks (if there's too much text, for instance) and the font will be readable however quite small as I will take into consideration the age group of the magazines audience.

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